
Showing posts from 2014


My child, I love you! I get excited when we are together. I love when you spend time with me. I created you to connect with me and to move with me. I love your passion for me. I have great plans for you. Come with me and we will go to wonderful places together. Do not be afraid of stepping out and moving with me. I will never leave you. I will never take you somewhere that is dangerous or not good for you. But remember that we do not always see things the same. My ways are not your ways. I see the big picture. That makes trust in me so important. You can trust me that even though something is hard for you to understand or deeply painful, it is not going to break you as long as you keep trusting and hanging on to me. I work all things out for good in your life and the lives of those around you. I am always good! I make all things new. Even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I am there. Even if it feels like you are all alone, I am there. Trust me to take you to...

Saving the Best for Last!

My child, I love you! I began my ministry by showing my mother, the wedding party, and my disciples that I save the best for last. The truth is that I am the best and I was saved for the end of the old covenant. I am the best sacrifice ever. I am the once-for-all blood sacrifice that brought in the new covenant of grace and forgiveness. I am the best ever friend, lover, servant, king, Lord, and sacrificial lamb there ever was. When you are at the end of your rope, when you feel there is nothing left or no good could ever come, I usher in a new day that is the best! I bring new life, new covenant, new hope. And I use everything you have gone through. I don't waste any trial, loss, pain, or suffering that you have gone through. I turn it around and bring beauty, hope, love, and life. I bring something more beautiful that what you lost. I save the best for last in your life and in the stages of your journey. Don't give up hope when just around the corner is the best life you have ...

Passion Produces Life!

My child, I love you! I love it when you are passionate about worshiping Me. Like King David, I love when you spontaneously dance and act undignified because of your worship of Me. Passion produces life. You come alive when you are passionate about Me and the gifts I have placed in you. Life breeds life. When you operate in your gifts and touch others, they in turn become passionate and alive. It is the never-ending cycle of life. I love it when you are yourself and don't try to be someone else. I created you unique and you have a purpose. Pursue Me and your purpose with passion. You will find life and you will be able to live life fully as I planned for you to live. Even if you think you are stuck in a place where you can't use your gifts, you are there for a purpose. Find it and find life even in the mundane tasks before you. When you are faithful in the little things, I will give you more. Trust Me! Passion brings life and life breeds life! I want you to live, really live! T...

My Thoughts about You!

My child, I love you! I think about you often. The thoughts I have for you are good and loving. I want you to succeed in being the person I created you to be. I have a future for you that is tailor made for you. I designed you for a purpose and a destiny. I designed you to have freedom and a life that is full and complete. Come to Me and I will show you the great and marvelous things we will do together. You can do all things through Me because I give you the strength and the ability to do all I have planned for you. I enjoy being with you and doing things with you. I want to spend all your days with you doing the things I designed for us to do together. Without Me, you will not succeed. With Me, you will do great things that impact your generation. Come and see what this is all about. Come! My arms are open and ready to bless you! You will never be the same!

No Fear! No Anxiety! Just Rest!

My child, I love you! Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to Me. Are you feeling anxious about anything? Do you find yourself worrying about what might happen? My child, do not let your heart be troubled! I know what you are going through but even more than that, I want to calm your heart. I want you to be still. Come to Me when you are weary and heavy burdened. I give REST. This rest is not necessarily sleep but it might include that. This rest is being calm even when things around you are crazy. Come to Me. Let me lead you to the quiet waters. Let me lead you to green meadows. Let's rest together. Put your head on my shoulder and allow me to comfort you. Allow Me to provide for your needs. Fill up with My presence and My love so that there is no room in your heart for anxiety or fear. You can trust Me with your future when you put your future in My hands and let me work things out for your good ...

Unstoppable Love!

My child, I love you! I want you to know that there is nothing you can do to stop the love I have for you. Even before I created the world, I had you in mind. I delighted in creating every aspect of your personality and every part of your being. I created you to love. I created you to serve. I created you to enjoy life. I created you to be creative and design things. I gave you a purpose to fulfill. Even if your beginning seemed like an accident or a mishap, I designed you. It doesn't matter if your parents didn't love you or didn't meet your needs. I have always been there cheering you on, loving you, giving you confidence, helping you when you felt like no one was there. There is nothing that can change the way I see you. I see you as my beloved child. I see you as a prince or princess, royalty in My kingdom. Come to me and let my love for you penetrate your heart. I am waiting to embrace you and hold you. I love to spend time with you. I love to see you laugh. I love to ...

New Life!

My child, I love you! Today is the day for new life! This is the season to celebrate life. I died so that you could have life and live it to the full. I arose from the dead to prove that I have the power to overcome death. There is new life all around you at this time of year. It is a reminder of what I did for you. I love you so much that I willingly suffered and died so that you could have new life. The same power that raised Me from the dead is alive in you when you accept Me as your Savior and Lord. That power is mighty power. It is able to tear down the strongholds that are standing in your way. It is able to bring you into all I have purposed for you. Dare to break through to become all that I designed for you. Don't let fear stand in the way! My perfect love casts out all fear. Fear is nothing compared to what I have in mind for you. My child, I love you! I did all of this for you because I cannot bear the idea of you not being with Me for all eternity! It also pains me grea...

The "Face-light-up" Kind of Love!

My child, I love you! I am excited when you come to Me. I love to see your face light up when you see Me! My face lights up even more than yours does! Everyone should have someone who is delighted to see them so much that their face lights up when they walk into a room. My face lights up when I see you! I delight in you! I love to spend time with you! You don't have to worry about what you've done or try to "clean up" before seeing Me! Come to Me and I will cover you, wash you clean, and clothe you! There is nothing you have done or nothing you can do to stop Me from being excited to see you. There is nothing you can do that will change the love I have for you. I loved you when you were deep in sin before you let Me wash you clean. I love you now even though you may feel like you are unlovable. Come to Me and see My face light up with delight that you came to spend time with Me. I love you!


My child, I love you! My desire is for you to have hope. I have good things in store for you. When you feel overwhelmed and discouraged, come to Me! I am very good at taking your cares on My shoulders and working all things out for your good. Come to Me! Do not despair. Do not be discouraged. Do not give up. I am with you always. I will never leave you. Whatever you are going through, I will work it out for your good and My glory as long as you give it to Me. You were not meant to carry those heavy burdens. You were made to give them to Me and walk with Me through them. Nothing is too hard for Me! As you submit everything to Me, stand back and watch how I move those mountains and cast them into the sea. I am faithful to do what I say I will do. All you have to do is let Me do it. Hope will not disappoint you when your hope is in Me! I made you unique and gave you a purpose and the gifts to fulfill that purpose. Nothing will keep you from the abundant life I died for as long as you let ...

Come to Me!

Come to Me all who are weary and facing a heavy burden. I long for you to come and rest in Me. I long to hold you and comfort you when things don't go like you want them to go. I am waiting with open arms to embrace you when you have failed or made a mistake. I do not condemn you. I love you! Embrace all that I have created you to be. If you have made a mistake or a wrong choice, repent, turn around, and start again. Your past does not define you. Your mistakes do not define you. You are a child of a King. You are precious. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You have a hope and a future! It is never too late to come to Me and allow me to wash away all the things that keep you from Me. I will brush it all off and give you a new beginning with a clean slate. Forget what is behind and embrace what is ahead. Embrace all that I did to give you a full life in Me with purpose and destiny. I love you! Come to Me and find rest for your soul!

You were Created for a Purpose

My child, I love you! No one is like you. I created you unique and for a specific purpose. Don't worry if you feel you have messed things up. I don't waste anything in your life. I use failures and troubles to make you stronger. I turn your ashes into something beautiful as you submit them to Me. People tend to run away from Me when things go wrong or trials come. I want you to run to Me and let me walk with you through whatever you are facing. I will never leave you. I always have a way for you to go that will bring you to the place where you will love life again. I came to bring you life. The life I give you is the one you dream about. Sometimes you don't think My way is the way you want to go but when you surrender to Me, you will find that the life I have will bring you the most fulfillment. I use the gifts I put inside you to their fullest potential. The enemy brings death and destruction even if the beginning looks and feels exciting. The end is always darkness. Bring...