New Life!

My child, I love you! Today is the day for new life! This is the season to celebrate life. I died so that you could have life and live it to the full. I arose from the dead to prove that I have the power to overcome death. There is new life all around you at this time of year. It is a reminder of what I did for you. I love you so much that I willingly suffered and died so that you could have new life. The same power that raised Me from the dead is alive in you when you accept Me as your Savior and Lord. That power is mighty power. It is able to tear down the strongholds that are standing in your way. It is able to bring you into all I have purposed for you. Dare to break through to become all that I designed for you. Don't let fear stand in the way! My perfect love casts out all fear. Fear is nothing compared to what I have in mind for you. My child, I love you! I did all of this for you because I cannot bear the idea of you not being with Me for all eternity! It also pains me greatly when you do not push through to become all I created you to be here on earth.

Come with me! It will be the most fun you  ever have ever had! Let me lead you into the full life I planned. I will not leave you. We will do this together. Even when we have to walk together through the darkest valley, because we are together, you will be able to make it through. And I don't waste any of the pain and suffering that you go through. I use it for My glory even taking your greatest pain and struggles and turning them into your greatest strengths. My child, you haven't seen anything yet! Come with Me. Hang on! It's going to be a wild but fun ride!


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