Passion Produces Life!

My child, I love you! I love it when you are passionate about worshiping Me. Like King David, I love when you spontaneously dance and act undignified because of your worship of Me. Passion produces life. You come alive when you are passionate about Me and the gifts I have placed in you. Life breeds life. When you operate in your gifts and touch others, they in turn become passionate and alive. It is the never-ending cycle of life. I love it when you are yourself and don't try to be someone else. I created you unique and you have a purpose. Pursue Me and your purpose with passion. You will find life and you will be able to live life fully as I planned for you to live. Even if you think you are stuck in a place where you can't use your gifts, you are there for a purpose. Find it and find life even in the mundane tasks before you. When you are faithful in the little things, I will give you more. Trust Me! Passion brings life and life breeds life! I want you to live, really live! The doors is open to your dreams.  It is the door that says you believe in Me and what I did on the cross so that you can have this life. Step through it. You will never regret it!


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