You were Created for a Purpose

My child, I love you! No one is like you. I created you unique and for a specific purpose. Don't worry if you feel you have messed things up. I don't waste anything in your life. I use failures and troubles to make you stronger. I turn your ashes into something beautiful as you submit them to Me. People tend to run away from Me when things go wrong or trials come. I want you to run to Me and let me walk with you through whatever you are facing. I will never leave you. I always have a way for you to go that will bring you to the place where you will love life again. I came to bring you life. The life I give you is the one you dream about. Sometimes you don't think My way is the way you want to go but when you surrender to Me, you will find that the life I have will bring you the most fulfillment. I use the gifts I put inside you to their fullest potential. The enemy brings death and destruction even if the beginning looks and feels exciting. The end is always darkness. Bring the darkness around you to the light of My presence and it will dissipate. Darkness is as light to Me. I love to see you shine My light into the darkness and watch that darkness disappear. Remember, things usually look the darkest before the dawn. Let me bring dawn into your life. You will never be the same!


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