
My child, I love you! I get excited when we are together. I love when you spend time with me. I created you to connect with me and to move with me. I love your passion for me. I have great plans for you.

Come with me and we will go to wonderful places together. Do not be afraid of stepping out and moving with me. I will never leave you. I will never take you somewhere that is dangerous or not good for you. But remember that we do not always see things the same. My ways are not your ways. I see the big picture. That makes trust in me so important. You can trust me that even though something is hard for you to understand or deeply painful, it is not going to break you as long as you keep trusting and hanging on to me. I work all things out for good in your life and the lives of those around you. I am always good! I make all things new. Even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I am there. Even if it feels like you are all alone, I am there. Trust me to take you to those places of joy and fulfillment.

I created you with gifts. I want you to use them. I want you to enjoy life to the full. I want you to fulfill the mission I have planned for you. When you and I do it together, nothing is impossible. Dream with me! You won't be disappointed!


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