No Fear! No Anxiety! Just Rest!

My child, I love you! Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to Me. Are you feeling anxious about anything? Do you find yourself worrying about what might happen? My child, do not let your heart be troubled! I know what you are going through but even more than that, I want to calm your heart. I want you to be still. Come to Me when you are weary and heavy burdened. I give REST. This rest is not necessarily sleep but it might include that. This rest is being calm even when things around you are crazy. Come to Me. Let me lead you to the quiet waters. Let me lead you to green meadows. Let's rest together. Put your head on my shoulder and allow me to comfort you. Allow Me to provide for your needs. Fill up with My presence and My love so that there is no room in your heart for anxiety or fear. You can trust Me with your future when you put your future in My hands and let me work things out for your good and the good of those around you. My servant Paul said he had learned what it is to be content in every situation. I want you to know this kind of contentment even when things are hard and you don't know what to do. I am here and I am ready to walk with you. You don't ever have to go through things alone. I am here. I bring people into your life who can help you through it. I have hope and a future for you! Come to Me. Present your prayers and petitions to Me. I will give you rest!


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