My Thoughts about You!

My child, I love you! I think about you often. The thoughts I have for you are good and loving. I want you to succeed in being the person I created you to be. I have a future for you that is tailor made for you. I designed you for a purpose and a destiny. I designed you to have freedom and a life that is full and complete. Come to Me and I will show you the great and marvelous things we will do together. You can do all things through Me because I give you the strength and the ability to do all I have planned for you. I enjoy being with you and doing things with you. I want to spend all your days with you doing the things I designed for us to do together. Without Me, you will not succeed. With Me, you will do great things that impact your generation. Come and see what this is all about. Come! My arms are open and ready to bless you! You will never be the same!


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