
My child, I love you! My desire is for you to have hope. I have good things in store for you. When you feel overwhelmed and discouraged, come to Me! I am very good at taking your cares on My shoulders and working all things out for your good. Come to Me! Do not despair. Do not be discouraged. Do not give up. I am with you always. I will never leave you. Whatever you are going through, I will work it out for your good and My glory as long as you give it to Me. You were not meant to carry those heavy burdens. You were made to give them to Me and walk with Me through them. Nothing is too hard for Me! As you submit everything to Me, stand back and watch how I move those mountains and cast them into the sea. I am faithful to do what I say I will do. All you have to do is let Me do it. Hope will not disappoint you when your hope is in Me! I made you unique and gave you a purpose and the gifts to fulfill that purpose. Nothing will keep you from the abundant life I died for as long as you let Me in and give me full access to your heart. I long to take you in My arms and carry you through the difficulties you face. Come to Me! I am waiting to move.


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