
My treasure in jars of clay (2 Corinthians 4:7-9)

My Daughter, you are my treasure that was hidden by fear for many years. I am uncovering the treasure as you spend intimate time with me. Others are getting to see the treasure that is a mixture of you and Me. My presence mixed with your personality brings a wonderful gift to others. Keep connected to Me and many others will see Me as they connect with you. I created you to touch those who are hurting with the same love you have known. This love brought you out of the pit of darkness. One touch from Me through you can set others on a different course that leads to Me instead of darkness and destruction. You are the treasure I want to give to others. Shine! Keep showing others what I have done. LOVE! Spread HOPE! Tell them who I created them to be! You will be amazed at what I can do through a surrendered child. I love you!

Gnat and Warrior

I am well pleased with my daughter who battled the enemy from a position of victory last night again even feeling what felt to you, Child, as the worst you have ever experienced to that point. BUT My perspective is that it was only a gnat on the wall that needed to be tapped to defeat it! My ways are not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts. BUT just give me your swirled up, fearful, anxiety-filled thoughts and RECEIVE my faith-filled, peace-filled, joy-filled, hope-filled thoughts. It changes everything in that moment so you can face whatever the enemy throws at you as a warrior and not a worrier! You are strong and powerful in Me even when you feel like you are the gnat on the wall and the enemy is the fierce warrior! My TRUTH defeats the enemy and you can tap him and he's gone! He doesn't want My children to know this because when they do, his web of lies he weaves is completely destroyed.

Peter in the Boat - Matthew 12:22-33

Jesus, why did you wait to calm the waves when Peter got out of the boat to walk on the water? I wanted Peter to know how to keep coming to Me, keep doing what he is called to do even when the storms around him were huge. I wanted him to see that as long as he keeps his focus on Me and not on his circumstances, he won't sink into the storm and be swallowed up. And if you know the rest of his life after I ascended into heaven, you can see he wasn't afraid of the storm any longer. I wanted you to know, My Child, that the waves and winds of fear will never overtake you when your eyes are fixed on Me. Rise above the wind and waves and step out of the boat. You will never regret it. The boat is your human structure that is tossed and turned by every wind. My structure is to keep your eyes on me and no matter what is going on in the natural, it can't harm you. Don't let the mission be thwarted by fear and doubt. When I say, "Come," come even if fear seems bigger...

You make me smile!

I love you, my child! You bring a smile to my face. I love to see you love My people and those who need to know I care about them. Be confident in who I made you. I have great plans for you to minister to me and those I put in your path. Step in ALL I have for you. Don't be afraid to speak the truth in love. Don't hold back what I have placed in you. I am giving you favor that opens doors you never thought could open. Your heart toward Me opens those doors. Love as I love. Don't be discouraged! You make me smile when I look at you. I love who I made you to be!


My child, I love you! I want you to follow the dreams that I put into your heart. I placed desires and dreams in you that I want you to share with the world. I gave you a unique mission to fulfill. It has to do with the DNA I placed inside you. The dreams you need to fulfill are impossible to do without me. I made them impossible so you would realize your need for us to work together to fulfill them. It has everything to do with the way I created you. I knew you before you were born; before you were conceived in your mother's womb. I formed you to be the person you are even before you came to be. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Delight in your identity in Me. Delight in who you are. I took great pleasure in creating each aspect of your personality and quirkiness. You being yourself and all that means gives me great delight. I love watching you be you. My heart grieves when you try to be someone else or try to hide who I created you to be. I want you to enjoy your identity...

The God Kind of Love

My child, I love you! Love. What does that word conjure up in your mind? Maybe you have experienced love that hurt or love that was selfish or love that was demanding or judgmental or jealous. I am sorry that you have experienced love that was not good for you. I want to show you the God kind of love. This love is unconditional, sacrificial, and unselfish. I loved you so much that I laid down my life for you. I wanted you to be with me forever. My kind of love isn't dependent on whether you measure up, how pretty you are, or how much you love me. My kind of love saw you in your nakedness, in your shame, in your sin, and loved you anyway. I loved you before you ever knew me. I love you! This love is patient and kind. It is not jealous, boastful, proud, or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable and keeps not record of wrongs. This love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. Nothing you can do will chang...

God of the Impossible

My child, I love you! I AM the God of the impossible. I take the mountains in your path and cast them into the sea. I love to open doors that you see as tightly shut. I love to move obstacles that seem insurmountable. Come to me. Open your heart to my possibilities. Give your fears, doubts, and disappointments to me and allow me to work through them. Paul wrote that all things work together for good to those who love me and are called according to my purpose. That means you! I called you and I have a purpose for you. You may not see the purpose in the struggles you are facing today but stand firm. I have a solution that you haven't even thought of yet. It may not look like a solution at first but as you step through the open door, you will see the amazing life I have planned. I love you! I don't waste anything you have gone through. Even in the darkest times of your life, I AM there. Not I was there. I AM there. We can go back and visit that darkness and together we can see m...