
My child, I love you! I want you to follow the dreams that I put into your heart. I placed desires and dreams in you that I want you to share with the world. I gave you a unique mission to fulfill. It has to do with the DNA I placed inside you. The dreams you need to fulfill are impossible to do without me. I made them impossible so you would realize your need for us to work together to fulfill them.

It has everything to do with the way I created you. I knew you before you were born; before you were conceived in your mother's womb. I formed you to be the person you are even before you came to be. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Delight in your identity in Me. Delight in who you are. I took great pleasure in creating each aspect of your personality and quirkiness. You being yourself and all that means gives me great delight. I love watching you be you. My heart grieves when you try to be someone else or try to hide who I created you to be. I want you to enjoy your identity as a child of the King and part of the Kingdom I established.

Come to Me, My child, and learn of Me. Learn who you are. Learn your identity in Me. Learn the purpose you have that only you can fulfill. Come to Me when you are burdened down and feeling unappreciated and unaccepted. I appreciate and accept you just as you are and I take all of your messes and all of your mistakes and I turn them into something beautiful. Come to Me and be who you were created to be. Nothing else will satisfy.

Dream with Me, Child. Dream! Hope! Laugh! Love! You won't believe the results when we do things together. Come to Me! You will never be ashamed, condemned, unwanted. Open your heart to the impossible dream. I make the impossible possible when you join your dreams with Me and we work together to fulfill your destiny! I love you!


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