Gnat and Warrior

I am well pleased with my daughter who battled the enemy from a position of victory last night again even feeling what felt to you, Child, as the worst you have ever experienced to that point. BUT My perspective is that it was only a gnat on the wall that needed to be tapped to defeat it! My ways are not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts. BUT just give me your swirled up, fearful, anxiety-filled thoughts and RECEIVE my faith-filled, peace-filled, joy-filled, hope-filled thoughts. It changes everything in that moment so you can face whatever the enemy throws at you as a warrior and not a worrier!

You are strong and powerful in Me even when you feel like you are the gnat on the wall and the enemy is the fierce warrior! My TRUTH defeats the enemy and you can tap him and he's gone! He doesn't want My children to know this because when they do, his web of lies he weaves is completely destroyed.


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