God of the Impossible

My child, I love you! I AM the God of the impossible. I take the mountains in your path and cast them into the sea. I love to open doors that you see as tightly shut. I love to move obstacles that seem insurmountable. Come to me. Open your heart to my possibilities. Give your fears, doubts, and disappointments to me and allow me to work through them. Paul wrote that all things work together for good to those who love me and are called according to my purpose. That means you! I called you and I have a purpose for you. You may not see the purpose in the struggles you are facing today but stand firm. I have a solution that you haven't even thought of yet. It may not look like a solution at first but as you step through the open door, you will see the amazing life I have planned.

I love you! I don't waste anything you have gone through. Even in the darkest times of your life, I AM there. Not I was there. I AM there. We can go back and visit that darkness and together we can see my redemption, how I was there. I AM here with you. I used the darkness and struggles in your life and I brought you through. This present struggle is going to be even easier and it will work out for your good even faster than your last struggle. Trust me. I AM waiting with open arms for you to walk through the door that you can't even see yet.

Come to me and I will give you rest and I will give you life and I will give you a full life even better than you can even imagine. These present struggles do not even compare to the joy that I have planned for you; joy is in this life, not just for the life to come.

I AM the God of the impossible. The possibilities are endless.


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