Transforming Heavy Burdens into Light Loads

This is what I sense the Master is saying to me this morning:

"My child, rest in me. You worry and fret about many things. These things are already in my hands but you tend to take them and carry them in your hands. This causes you stress and anxiety unnecessarily. I have a plan and purpose for what is happening in your life. I want to take the heavy burdens you carry and replace them with my light burdens and easy load. When you give heavy things to me, I turn them into something as light as a feather pillow. Rest in me. This doesn't mean to stop doing things. It means to give it to me and follow my lead. I will lead you on a journey that fulfills you; that you were designed to go on; that will make you say, 'I was created for this!' All you need to do is let go. Trust me to lead you. Bring your concerns and anxieties to me and allow me to replace them with my peace that passes all understanding; that guards your heart and mind in me. Remember how much I love you! So much that I was willing to go to the cross and carry all your sins, all your pain, all your sickness and die, taking care of it for eternity, so that you might live and not only live but live life to the fullest measure. That's how much I love you!"


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