Light in the Darkness

The Master says, "My child, I love you! I am the Light of the world. I shine light into the darkness all around you. I shine brightest when the darkness is the darkest. Don't give up when things look dark. Don't believe the lie that I am not there. Look to me; focus on me and you will see light. You will see hope. You will know that I am with you always, especially in the times when you don't feel my presence. I never, ever leave you. Grab hold of that truth. I am working all things out for your good. Keep holding on. Keep trusting. Keep seeking. Keep knocking. The door will open and it will be better than you could ever even ask, think, or imagine. Stand firm. Open your eyes. I want to show you marvelous things. Some of these things you would never see unless you realize that without me you are nothing but with me you can do all things. I love you. I am working. Trust me to bring light into whatever you are going through. You will not believe how easily I bring everything together."


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