New Every Morning!

The Master says, "My child, I love you! I make all things new! Every morning is a new opportunity to enjoy my presence and enjoy who I created you to be. Step out boldly and embrace all I have for you this day. Don't hang back thinking you don't have what you need or are inadequate. I have given you everything you need for today. Every morning is a new day. Don't worry about what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow. TODAY is the day I have made! It is a clean slate if you let it. Let go of what happened in the past and let go of worry of what might happen in the future. Embrace today by asking me to forgive you for anything you might have done wrong yesterday. When you do that, I take your mistakes and turn them into something good. That's why my mercies are new every morning. I love to take your human failings and turn them into good. I work everything out for good in your life and in the lives of those around you as you submit it all to me and let me work it out. Listen to my heart for the situations you are facing. I will accomplish far more than you could ever ask, think, or imagine. I want to do great things in your life. Embrace this new day with all its possibilities! Nothing is impossible with me!"


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