Dream Big with Me!

My child, I love you! I long for you to come and sit at my feet and pour out all of the thoughts and feelings that are bottled up inside. I long for you to let me walk with you through the pain you are going through. I desire to give you more than you can even ask for to help you make it through. I went to the cross and suffered all that pain so that I could take the heavy load from you and let you have my peace, my comfort, my hope, my life, my love, and all that I am.

I created you to follow me. When you follow my plan for you, doors open that you would never believe are even there. Dream big with me! I know you better than you know yourself. When you embrace the plans I have for you, you will find fulfillment and a completeness that will not be found anywhere else. Come to me. Let go of all that is burdening you and holding you down. Let me carry it. As you let go of all that you are carrying that is not from me, you will have the capacity to embrace all I have for you. It is good! It is fun! It is more than you could do on your own. Together we can accomplish great things!


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