Be who I created you to be!

My child, I love you! Do not underestimate what you and I can do together. With my power in you--the power that raised me from the dead--you can do anything I call you to do. I want you to be YOU. Don't try to be someone else. I created you to do things as YOU, not the person you feel is more gifted or prettier or more charismatic than you. Those are lies from the enemy. I want you to use all of the gifts and talents I gave you to become all the I have planned for you. There is not one person I created who does not have any talents or gifts. Everyone is creative in their own special way. Dig deep inside who you are and find me there, working everything out for your good. Choose to believe that I love you and have a plan for you. Even if you are stuck now or facing hard things, I will use it all for my glory in your life and in the lives of those around you. Look up and see the hope that you have in me. I love you! I am waiting for you to step out and grab hold of all that I created you for.


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