My love never fails

My child, I love you. You may know this in your head but do you know it in your heart? Do you know how much I love you? Do you know it deep in the recesses of your heart? I paid a huge price so that you could experience the depths of my love every day of your life. I gave everything I had so that we could have a relationship. I want you to know that there is nothing you can do to lesson my love for you. I died for you when you were deep in sin before you even knew who I was; before you even existed. I did this because I have a plan and a purpose for you. I want you to become everything I designed you to be. I want you to know me in such a way that you will be confident of who I created you to be and will accomplish all that I have planned for you. I know that when you do what you were designed to do, you will find fulfillment and contentment and blessings like you could never accomplish when you try to do life without me. But even if you decide not to follow me or you fail miserably at life, my love for you never stops; it never fails. I will love you no matter what you do. I will never leave you. I am always with you. When you fail, look up and take hold of my hand and I will lead you back to where you were designed to go. Don't worry or fret. Trust me. I have your best interest at heart. My love never fails. It goes on and on. It never gives up. Open up your heart to my love and see what we can accomplish together! You will never be the same again!


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