Moved with Compassion

My child, I love you! When you have a need that is bigger than you, come to me. I am moved with compassion when I see someone who knows they are in need and looks to me for help. My compassion is not like pity or empathy. When I am moved with compassion, I hurt that you hurt. I feel what you feel. But I don't stop there. I take it on myself. I lift your burden. I change your circumstances. I open the door for healing. I bring you through whatever you are facing. I never leave you the same as when you came to me. I transform. I restore. I heal. I lead. I love. I bring life. I bring freedom. I bring hope. Come to me. My arms are open. My hands touch whatever it is that is causing you pain and you will not be the same again. Come. I am waiting. I love you!


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