Find My Rest

My child, I love you! So many people are stressed out to the max especially during this season. I want you to be different because of knowing Me. I want you to find rest that does not depend on your outward circumstances. My rest is an inward thing. It begins by learning to trust Me and what I am doing. It continues as you focus on Me and not on your circumstances knowing that I work ALL things out for your good because you love Me and are called for a purpose. I see the big picture. Can you imagine a toddler worrying about where the money is going to come from for his birthday gift? He doesn't even have the capacity to think about it. I want you to be that way with Me. Trust Me with the big picture. Let go of what is too big for you to carry and take the light burden I have for you that is easy. I have your best at heart. I know the plans I have for you to prosper you and not to harm you to give you a hope and a future. My hope and future does not include anxiety or stress. I includes rest beside still waters and a feast in front of your enemies. Come and enjoy it! Nothing is better than this!


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