I Love You!

My child, I love you! This is something that you must grasp. I love you no matter what. I love you even when you don't love yourself. I love you even when you mess everything up. I love you when you think you are more than you really are and when you think you are the lowest person on the planet. I love you! There is nothing you can do to make me love you more and nothing you can do to lesson my love for you. If all of the oceans in the world were filled with my love, there would not be enough space to put it. Every piece of land would be flooded and still it would not contain all the love I have to give. You are a complete success in my eyes. I accept you just as you are but I love you too much to leave you there. Come away with me on the journey of a lifetime. I have so much to show you; so much I want you to understand. I want you to grasp who I created you to be. I want you to leave behind all the fears, hurts, and hangups that are keeping you from being all I created you to be. Come away with me and find your destiny. You will not find it anywhere else. I love you with an everlasting love. Come and enjoy all my love every day of your life. You will never come to the end of it. It goes on and on.


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