
Showing posts from March, 2014

The "Face-light-up" Kind of Love!

My child, I love you! I am excited when you come to Me. I love to see your face light up when you see Me! My face lights up even more than yours does! Everyone should have someone who is delighted to see them so much that their face lights up when they walk into a room. My face lights up when I see you! I delight in you! I love to spend time with you! You don't have to worry about what you've done or try to "clean up" before seeing Me! Come to Me and I will cover you, wash you clean, and clothe you! There is nothing you have done or nothing you can do to stop Me from being excited to see you. There is nothing you can do that will change the love I have for you. I loved you when you were deep in sin before you let Me wash you clean. I love you now even though you may feel like you are unlovable. Come to Me and see My face light up with delight that you came to spend time with Me. I love you!


My child, I love you! My desire is for you to have hope. I have good things in store for you. When you feel overwhelmed and discouraged, come to Me! I am very good at taking your cares on My shoulders and working all things out for your good. Come to Me! Do not despair. Do not be discouraged. Do not give up. I am with you always. I will never leave you. Whatever you are going through, I will work it out for your good and My glory as long as you give it to Me. You were not meant to carry those heavy burdens. You were made to give them to Me and walk with Me through them. Nothing is too hard for Me! As you submit everything to Me, stand back and watch how I move those mountains and cast them into the sea. I am faithful to do what I say I will do. All you have to do is let Me do it. Hope will not disappoint you when your hope is in Me! I made you unique and gave you a purpose and the gifts to fulfill that purpose. Nothing will keep you from the abundant life I died for as long as you let ...